In late 2017, Katie knew something had to change. Her job was emotionally exhausting and left her without energy for herself or those around her. She remembered the inner peace she felt when she practiced yoga ten years earlier. In January 2018, she made her way back to her mat. While it didn’t change her circumstances, it quickly changed her mindset. The few hours a week on her mat renewed her ability to give to others. The thing she had truly been missing.
In October of the same year, Katie was involved in a car accident and suffered a mTBI. Again, all energy and effort returned to work. She was unable to tolerate the lights and noise anywhere outside her basement. Eventually pouring from an empty cup caught up with her and she was no longer able to maintain her job.
A global pandemic struck, and as most people became shut in their homes for the first time, a whole new world opened for Katie. Things previously unavailable in her home now were. She dedicated one hundred percent of her time to recovery. Recovery started by unrolling her mat, stepping (some days crawling) onto it and gracefully accepting a new whole normal.
The new normal had to be mindful. Mindful of things she never had to think about before. Mindful to use a potholder while cooking, so she didn’t burn herself, mindful of which light switch turned on which light. Life became one giant mindful motion. Some days she still couldn’t shower. Katie mindfully noted it, and honored what her body and mind told her she needed. Eventually she stopped looking forward, but occasionally would peak behind her, and was mindful of the progress she had made. With some trepidation Katie enrolled in online teacher training. A 200 hour online class seemed like a reach, but she approached it mindfully and without judgment. Katie knew if she just trusted herself the rest would work itself out.
In 2021 she founded Mindful Motions, LLC. A place to bring mindfulness to others. As a certified yoga teacher she can help you roll out your mat, open your mind and maybe find some new motions needed to be the best you; physically and emotionally. Katie strives to bring empathy and compassion with her when she enters your home, creating a personalized experience designed to help you genuinely feel better in your own body and mind.